Red and white Christmas tree ideas

The decoration for Christmas begins with finding the perfect tree. Afterwards, you need to get it at home, align your stand and … Ponte in the state of decoration 😉

For all of us, decorating the Christmas tree has a special meaning: memories of this moment last year.

It does not matter if this is your first year you decorated the Christmas tree or you are already a “pro”, sometimes you need a little help, maybe just to remind you what to do, or what it should be first.

Most of the time you need to move your Christmas tree after you finished decorating it, therefore, to protect it and move it easier, it is better to slide a large cardboard square or a round pizza tray under the tree stand. In this way, you will not have much trouble to slide the Christmas tree.

It is better and considering the color scheme for this year’s tree. It makes it easier to collect the lights, the ornaments and help to organize your ideas as well.

If you have some beloved Christmas ornaments you want to show year after year, take them out of storage, give them a check and solve any problem you may have. It is better to show these ornaments in the most visible areas of your tree, as you give smiles and a happy feeling, after all, this is the reason why you love them so much!

Although you can not see the whole tree at the same time, try to work around. Decorate all the edges of the trees to give a brightness equal to each angle. So that the areas difficult to reach, carefully take out their tree so that it can decorate those parts as well.

Always remember to start with the lights, at the base of the tree. Then you work all the way around the tree. And, do not go soft in the lights, more, the Merrier!

Your Christmas tree becomes increasingly defined using garlands. You can use modern or more traditional garlands, such as ribbons, corn popcorn chains, candy canes or cranberries. From time to time, take a step back to get a better view so that it wraps the tree evenly. You can secure the garlands with some floral cable, for example.

When displaying the ornaments, consider the color theme chosen for your tree or create a unique style as you progress. Start also from the base of your tree and work around the tree. Follow your bowel instinct when it comes to the number and size of the ornaments.

At the moment you see a gap in your tree, you must cover it with some ornaments or decorations. As before, he goes back a few steps to get a better check on his tree.

“Less means more” also applies by adding the “extras” to your Christmas tree. Too much tinsel, too much false snow could give your tree a “heavy” aspect and transform it into a big mess. So, do not let yourself go completely with the extras, it’s easier to add than to remove …

Now is the time to cover the base with a tree skirt. You can go to a festive plaid blanket or an old lace tablecloth, the style of your tree should give you a suggestion on what to use.

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